
2. The Story of King Harishchandra: The story of the truthful king Harishchandra, known for his unwavering adherence to truth and dharma

 The story of King Harishchandra is a classic tale from Indian mythology, celebrated for its powerful message about truth and righteousness. Let's dive into the epic story of this legendary king.

The Story of King Harishchandra

Once upon a time, in the golden age of Treta Yuga, there ruled a noble and virtuous king named Harishchandra. He was a descendant of the solar dynasty, and his capital was the magnificent city of Ayodhya. Renowned for his unwavering commitment to truth (satya) and righteousness (dharma), Harishchandra's fame spread far and wide. His kingdom prospered under his just and fair rule, and his subjects adored him for his wisdom and kindness.

The Dream and the Divine Test

One night, King Harishchandra had a vivid dream in which he saw himself performing a grand yagna (sacrifice). In the dream, the sage Vishwamitra appeared and requested the king to donate his entire kingdom as dakshina (sacrificial fee). Harishchandra, bound by his commitment to truth, agreed to the sage’s request in the dream.

Upon waking, Harishchandra was troubled by the dream but dismissed it as a figment of his imagination. However, soon after, Sage Vishwamitra arrived at his court. The sage reminded the king of his promise and demanded the fulfillment of the dream pledge. Harishchandra, true to his word, handed over his entire kingdom to Vishwamitra, rendering himself, his queen Shaivya (also known as Chandramati), and their young son Rohitashva homeless.

Exile and Struggles

Having given away his kingdom, Harishchandra, along with his family, left Ayodhya. As they wandered in the forests, they faced many hardships. Despite their plight, Harishchandra never wavered in his commitment to truth. They reached the holy city of Varanasi (Kashi), where Harishchandra decided to sell himself and his family to pay the remaining dakshina to Sage Vishwamitra.

In Varanasi, Harishchandra sold his wife and son to a Brahmin, while he sold himself to a Chandala (keeper of a cremation ground) named Veerabahu. The Brahmin took Shaivya and Rohitashva to his home, where they were subjected to harsh treatment and forced to work as servants. Harishchandra, on the other hand, was assigned the menial task of guarding the cremation ground and collecting fees from those who came to cremate their dead.

The Ordeal of Shaivya and Rohitashva

Life was extremely difficult for Shaivya and Rohitashva. The Brahmin treated them cruelly, and they endured many trials. Despite the severe hardships, Shaivya instilled the values of truth and righteousness in her son, teaching him to remain virtuous even in the face of adversity.

One day, while collecting firewood in the forest, Rohitashva was bitten by a venomous snake and succumbed to the poison. Shaivya, devastated by the loss of her son, carried his lifeless body to the cremation ground where Harishchandra worked. Unrecognizable in her tattered clothes and emaciated state, she begged the keeper of the cremation ground to allow her to cremate her son’s body.

The Ultimate Test

Harishchandra, unaware that the woman was his wife and the boy was his son, demanded the customary fee for the cremation. Shaivya, having no money, pleaded with the keeper, who remained adamant. It was only when Shaivya tearfully recounted her tragic story that Harishchandra realized the true identity of the woman and the boy.

Heartbroken but steadfast in his adherence to duty, Harishchandra insisted on the fee, saying that he could not break his promise of collecting it. Moved by his unwavering commitment to truth, Shaivya offered her own sari as payment. Just as Harishchandra was about to perform the last rites, the gods, moved by the king’s unshakable devotion to truth, appeared before him.

Divine Intervention and Restoration

Lord Vishnu, accompanied by Sage Vishwamitra, appeared at the cremation ground. They revealed that all the sufferings and trials faced by Harishchandra and his family were a divine test of his righteousness and commitment to truth. Pleased with his unwavering adherence to dharma, the gods revived Rohitashva and blessed Harishchandra and Shaivya.

Harishchandra’s kingdom was restored to him, and he was given divine blessings for his unwavering devotion to truth. Sage Vishwamitra, impressed by Harishchandra’s steadfastness, declared him a living embodiment of righteousness. Harishchandra, his family, and his subjects lived happily ever after, continuing to uphold the principles of truth and dharma.

Legacy of Harishchandra

The story of King Harishchandra is more than just a tale of trials and tribulations; it is a powerful reminder of the strength and importance of truth and righteousness. Harishchandra’s unwavering commitment to his values, even in the face of extreme adversity, continues to inspire generations. His story has been retold in various forms, including plays, poems, and films, serving as a beacon of moral integrity and virtuous living.


The tale of King Harishchandra is a timeless epic that transcends cultural and temporal boundaries. It teaches us the value of truth and the importance of remaining steadfast in our principles, no matter the circumstances. Harishchandra’s life is a testament to the fact that true strength lies in unwavering commitment to one’s values and that righteousness will ultimately triumph over adversity.


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